Outdoor equipment for hiking and camping
When you’re on a day out in nature, it’s important to have smart outdoor equipment with you. Here you will find flashlights, headlamps, anti-blister socks, spark plugs, knife tools for hunting and fishing, cooking utensils and other outdoor equipment that will make your trip outdoors easier.
With the right equipment, you can feel safe and enjoy the trip at the same time . Even if you are an experienced hiker, it’s good to review your equipment from time to time. This ensures that you’re prepared and that your survival equipment is in top condition. For extra safety, it’s always good to bring a First Aid bag. Our first aid kits from the Swedish Red Cross are available in several sizes and are smart to have with you if an accident occurs.
Take your hike to the next level with trekking poles with built-in suspension. Go out walking whatever the season and choose your own resistance. With smart outdoor equipment from SmartaSaker, you can enjoy the beautiful views on your hike.
Ues your picnicware over and over again
Great LED light tweezers
Easy-to-use ice grips
The perfect grill fork for the campfire
Dual fans keeps your head cool and gives you both hands free
RFID-protected travel wallet that is worn around the neck
Durable garden gloves that protect your hand and arms against thorns
The ultimate camping cutlery
Fold them up and put them on your keyring
Carry in your pocket or attach to the backside of your phone
Perfect for an excursion or a fishing trip
Grill over an open fire
Sturdy anti-slip heel device with strong grip
Easy to always carry with you