Phone security cord

Catches your phone if you accidentally drop it
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      • Attach to your clothes, or around your wrist
      • Ring and take pictures, as usual
      • Useful on the ski slopes, or out at sea

      Hitch is a smart little phone security cord that catches the phone in case you should drop it. The phone security cord works with all phones that have a protective cover, and is easy to secure around your wrist or in your clothes.

      The phone security cord is perfect to use on the ski lift, in the countryside, on the boat, and in other places where you would really not want to lose your mobile. The elastic cord allows you to make calls, take pictures and use the other functions of the phone, whilst it is firmly attached to your clothes.

      As well as the security cord catching your mobile if you accidentally drop it, it also ensures that you do not misplace it, and makes it more difficult for thieves to steal the phone from your pocket.

      The security cord's super-thin "anchor" is placed under the phone and held in place by your shell. All shells are a little different, but if you have a shell that goes all the way around, stick the small flap out through the hole in the shell through which the charger is inserted. The security cord does not block the charging socket and you can charge the phone with a cord, or with wireless charging as usual.

      Attach one carabiner to the anchor's safety loop. Attach the other carabiner to your trouser leg, zip, or backpack, or attach it to the cord so that it fits snugly around your wrist. The phone security cord's two carabiner hooks have a smart little locking mechanism in the middle. Once you have anchored the carabiners, you can turn the small lock and thus prevent the carabiner from accidentally opening. The phone is now secured and will not fall far if you accidentally drop it.

      The cord is only 8 cm long when it is rolled up, but can be about 60-70 cm long if you stretch it out. Depending on how much your phone weighs, the cord will be different lengths for different phones, when it hangs on the cord.

      In the packaging
      Anchor with security loop
      Phone security cord
      Two small carabiners

    • Article nr: 13368
      Stock availability: 0
      Length: 8 cm to 60-70 cm

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