Mosquito Repellent Care Plus DEET 40%

Effective protection against mosquitoes and ticks
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60 ml
100 ml 60 ml

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    • Protects against mosquitoes and ticks
    • Contains DEET 40%
    • Up to 8 hours protection

    The mosquito repellent Care Plus DEET 40% is a highly effective insect spray that provides long-term protection against both mosquitoes and ticks.

    The active substance DEET provides good protection againstmosquitoes and ticks and is perfect to use from spring to autumn. The mosquito repellent also protects against tropical mosquitoes, which means that you can take the spray with you and get effective mosquito protection on your holiday abroad.

    Care Plus DEET 40% provides up to 8 hours of protection against mosquitoes and up to 4 hours of protection against ticks. A 100 ml bottle is enough for one person for about 2-3 weeks with daily use.

    If you use Care Plus DEET in combination with sunscreen, let the sunscreen dry for about 20 minutes before spraying on the mosquito repellent.

    The mosquito repellent's high content of DEET (40%) provides more effective protection than other commonly used mosquito repellents on the market. Care Plus DEET 40% is approved by the Swedish Chemicals Agency and can be used by children of 13 years of age and older.

    NOTE! Avoid using mosquito repellent containing DEET during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Instead, use the mosquito repellent Care Plus Natural, which can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children from 3 months old.

    Buy Mosquito Spray Care Plus Natural ->

  • Article nr: 13240
    Stock availability: 0
    Other: Contains: DEET (Diethyltoluamide), Ethanol 96% with 5% IPA (Isopropanol), Bitrex (Denatonium Benzoate).

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