Self-watering pot, Round

Self-watering pot for flowers & herbs

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Grey Ø30 cm
Grey Ø30 cm Grey Ø40 cm

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    • Plant flowers and herbs
    • Water reservoir and water indicator
    • Can be used indoors and outdoors

    Lechuza's round, self-watering pot is a wide pot with an integrated water reservoir and water indicator for planting and growing in both indoors and outdoors. The round shape invites you to plant beautiful summer flowers and greens as well as grow fresh, fragrant herbs that can be used in cooking.

    How the self-watering pot works
    The round pot has an inner pot that you plant in, an integrated water reservoir that is later fill with water, and a water indicator that displays when you need to refill the water.

    To start with, water the soil and flowers as usual from the top, but once the roots have grown longer, the flowers can supply themselves with the exact amount of water they need from the water reservoir at the bottom of the pot.

    Planting in the inner pot
    The round pot comes with a bag of leca balls, which you spread around at the bottom of the inner pot. Then fill the pot with potting soil and plant your plants.

    Automatic self-watering when the roots are long enough
    Water the soil and the plant as usual for the first several weeks (about 10-12 weeks). This allows for the roots to take their time to grow and find their way through the soil to the leca balls.

    Lift the inner pot from time to time to check how far down the roots have extended. Once the roots have reached the leca balls, they are long enough for you to start using the self-watering system.

    Water indicator
    The pot is easy to assemble. Insert the inner pot and assemble the water indicator. Afterwards, place the water indicator in the small hole in the inner pot. The water indicator shows how much water is left in the reservoir.

    Can be used indoors and outdoors
    The pot has a plug in the bottom that can be unscrewed when the pot is outdoors. When the plug is removed, excess rainwater can drain out of the pot, preventing the plant from being overwatered.

    If you bring the round pot indoors, you will need to screw the plug back under the pot. The plug prevents water from running out onto the floor when you water.

    The exterior of the round self-watering pot imitates rustic stone and is made of weather-resistant, high-quality plastic. The pot is manufactured by the German company Lechuza and is available in two sizes.

    CUBETO 30 cm diameter
    Dimensions: diameter: Ø30 cm, height: 13.5 cm
    Water reservoir: 1.6 litres
    Growing volume: 4.5 litres
    Growing depth: 8 cm
    Maximum planting height: 30 cm 

    CUBETO 40 cm diameter
    Dimensions: diameter: Ø40 cm, height: 18.3 cm
    Water reservoir: 3 litres
    Growing volume: 11.5 litres
    Growing depth: 12 cm
    Maximum planting height: 40 cm

  • Article nr: 13807
    Stock availability: 0

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