Wooden sudoku game

Deluxe playing board for Sudoku puzzles
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    • Decorative playing board in a handy format
    • Solve easy, medium and difficult puzzles
    • Fun to solve together

    This luxurious Sudoku game in dark wood gives you a great game format for solving Sudoku puzzles. The small Sudoku board has a handy format, is decorative to have on display and makes it fun to solve Sudoku puzzles on your own or with the whole family.

    The Sudoku game comes with 81 numbered pegs, as well as a small booklet with instructions, game rules and pre-printed puzzles in easy, medium and difficult levels. The numbered wooden pegs are stored in the box under the removable playing field.

    What is Sudoku

    Sudoku is a Japanese number puzzle in which the player had to in fill in each row, column and 3x3 box of a given playing field so that they each contain every number between 1 and 9. The trick is that each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box.

    Sudoku Rules

    Place the first numbered wooden pegs in the playing field according to the instructions provided in the booklet. Then fill in the remaining empty holes yourself with the remaining pegs. When you have succeeded in placing all 81 wooden pegs so that the numbers 1-9 are only found ONCE in each row, column and 3x3 box, you have succeeded in solving the puzzle.

    Sudoku tips

    Solving Sudoku on the stylish wooden playing board is made a little more challenging by the fact that you can't write notes in the margins as you might usually do. This might be a little unusual at first, but is good way to train the brain, and the various puzzles are not impossible to solve without a paper and pen.

    Start with easy Sudoku puzzles and work your way up gradually through the difficulty levels. Sometimes it can take time before you find the next number, so it's important to have a little patience.

    Sudoku technician

    There are a couple of basic Sudoku techniques that can be good to know and that can make solving Sudoku puzzles easier. Some good basic tricks are to focus on a row, box or column that already has 5 or more pre-filled numbers. It is then usually possible to find one or more spots that have limited possible solutions. That is, they can only contain two or hopefully only one number, which you can then put down.

    For those who are interested, there is lots of information online on how you can use more advanced techniques, such as X-wing and Y-wing techniques.

    More Sudoku games
    If you have solved all the puzzles in the accompanying booklet, there are a large number of game plans to be found in magazines, sudoku booklets and online. Use a puzzle you find as a template, insert the pegs into the game board and solve the puzzle in the Sudoku board.

    Size: 14 cm x 14 cm x 4.5 cm
    Material: Wood
    Number of pins: 81 pcs
  • Article nr: 13769
    Stock availability: 12
    Depth: 14 cm
    Height: 2.5 cm
    Material: Wood
    Width: 14 cm

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