FiberWeld repair tape

For permanent repairs
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122cm 152.4cm Heat wrap 177.8cm

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    • Glass fibre wrap in three variants
    • Forms a strong, permanent bond
    • Fast cure time

    FiberWeld is a permanent repair tape made of resin-impregnated glass fibre fabric. When activated with water, the fibreglass fabric creates an incredibly strong bond. FiberWeld repair tape is suitable for outdoor or indoor furniture, tool handles, gardening equipment, pipes & hoses, sports and camping equipment and as preventive reinforcement. FiberWeld comes in two sizes. FiberWeld Heat Wrap is suitable for particularly temperature resistant repairs.


    FiberWeld repair tape can be used on a variety of materials, including metal, most plastics, wood, PVC, fibreglass and rubber. This makes it ideal for a wide variety of repairs and reinforcements in both home and professional environments. FiberWeld comes in two sizes to fit pipes with diameters of 2.5 and 5 centimetres respectively.

    For those who need to repair metal and automotive parts such as exhaust pipes, silencers and engine blocks, we recommend FiberWeld Heat Wrap, which is specially designed for temperature-resistant repairs up to approximately 590°C.

    Fast-curing repair

    FiberWeld has a setting time of only 5-10 minutes and a curing time of 15-20 minutes, making it a quick solution for durable repairs. The cured repair has an impressive strength of 1500 psi. FiberWeld cures to a black colour.

    FiberWeld Heat Wrap has a cure time of 20 minutes with the application of heat and 2 hours without heat. FiberWeld Heat Wrap cures to a dark grey colour.

    In the package

    Both FiberWeld and FiberWeld Heat Wrap include the repair kit, gloves and fibreglass wrap, everything you need to carry out the repair safely and effectively without the need for additional tools or materials.

    FiberWeld - How to do it

    Remove all oil, dirt and grease and roughen the surface for better adhesion. Put on the gloves provided, open the tissue package and immerse the fibreglass tissue in room temperature water for 5-10 seconds to activate the resin. Then wrap the area you want to repair as tightly as possible. Using the entire roll, apply at least 5 layers over the crack itself and 5-10 cm on both sides of the crack. Then apply the protective wrap and let it harden. Remove the protective wrap when the repair has cured.

    FiberWeld Heat Wrap - Procedure

    Clean the area from all oil, dirt and grease. Roughen the surfaces for better adhesion. Put on the gloves provided and soak the wrap. Then wrap the damaged area as tightly as possible. Using the entire roll, apply at least 5 layers over the break itself and 5-10 cm on both sides of the break. Apply the included aluminium wrap around the connective tissue to keep it in place during the curing process. The product cures in 20 minutes with heat application and in 2 hours without heat. Remove the aluminium wrap after curing.


    Material: Glass fibre fabric, impregnated with specially formulated resin
    Country of manufacture: USA

  • Article nr: 14295
    Stock availability: 0
    Material: Fibreglass fabric, impregneted wih specially formulated resin
    PDF: Safety data sheet

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