Innovator: Bergsten Tomas

Seatbelt Harness for Dogs

Keeps your doggy safe in the car
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    • Don't let your dog sit unsecured in the car!
    • Tested and approved secure harness for a car's seatbelt.
    • Can also be used as tracking or walking harness

    Finally a strong, crash-tested and approved Swedish Seatbelt Harness for Dogs! It is just as dangerous for dogs to be unsecured in a car as it is for people. Having an unsecured dog in the car, front seat or back, is also a risk for us humans.

    A powerful, lined dog harness, with metal buckles and removable straps that attach to a seatbelt with a special loop that is screwed together for maximal safety. The harness has a ring for your leash along the middle of the back.The harness is fastened with the buckles where the belt must be passed through because the quick clasps are not approved in crash tests. This can be a bit tricky if you have a very hairy dog. The seatbelt is securedwith a simple handleand is just as easilyremoved from the seatbelt.

    The Seatbelt Harness for Dogs has been tested by the Research Institutes of Sweden, TUV and GS. Made in Sweden.

    The Seatbelt Harness for Dogs comes in the following sizes: small 0-15 kg, medium 15-30 kg, large 30-50 kg, X-large 55 kg

  • Article nr: 10644
    Stock availability: 0
    Material: Strong line harness with metal buckle.
    PDF: Installation guide

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