Cooling hat, Premium Black

Relieve a headache with cold or heat

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Premium Black
Premium Black
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  • Product info
  • Specifications
    • For cooling - store in the freezer
    • For warmth - heat in a microwave
    • Coole or warms the head

    With the Thermax™ cooling hat, you can relieve headaches, migraines and stress-related tension in the head. The combination of compression and the high-quality gel inside the cooling hat helps you relax and can quickly relieve any type of headache. Depending on whether you want the gel to be hot or cold, you can either heat the hat in the microwave or cool it in the freezer.

    The cooling hat is easy to pull over your head. For best results, it should also cover your eyes. The gel holds its temperature for about 30 minutes before gradually increasing/decreasing. The cooling hat comes with a small bag where it can be stored.

    Cool therapy for headaches
    If you have stress, a headache or migraine, it’s nice to be able to quickly cool down your head. The compression and intense cold cause the blood vessels to narrow and the nerves to numb, reducing the pain signals sent to the brain. Depending on how much your head hurts, you should use the cap for about 5-20 minutes at a time. The maximum time you should use the hat is 30 minutes at a time.

    The cooling hat is also comfortable to wear in the morning and helps you start your day with energy. The cold temperatures are relaxing when used in the evenings just before going to bed, as it can help you get a better night’s sleep.

    To chill the gel, place the hat in the freezer for at least 20-30 minutes at -20°C. It’s recommended to store the cooling hat in the freezer so it’s always ready to use. If you would like for it to be less cold, it can be stored in the refrigerator.

    Heat therapy for tension headaches
    If you instead heat the hat, you can relieve heachaches caused by tension. The heat increases blood flow and helps the muscles around your head relax. You get an increased supply of oxygen, proteins and other nutrients to the area where the pain is present.

    To heat the hat, place it in the microwave. Start by heating it for about 10-15 seconds. If it needs to be warmer, you can heat it for a few more seconds at a time until you get the desired temperature. The cooling hat should not be heated in an oven.

    Note! It must be at room temperature before it’s heated in a microwave. Never microwave the hat for more than 20 seconds at a time.

    Available in two models
    The cooling hat is available in two models, Standard and Premium.
    Standard has 1 cooling element and cools or heats around half the head (180°).
    Premium has 2 cooling elements and cools or heats around the entire head (360°).

    Designed in France
    The Thermax cooling hat is designed in France. The stretchy outer fabric is made from recycled cotton.

    Can be worn for 10+ years.
    Available in one size only.
    Made from stretch material.

    Important to know
    The cooling hat should be used for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time. Do not wear the cooling hat if it’s too hot or too cold in your hand. Do not use the cooling hat if the gel is visible.

    If necessary, the cooling hat can be wiped with a damp cloth and air-dried. Do not soak, machine wash or iron.

  • Article nr: 13775-PS
    Stock availability: 32
    Material: Stretch material made from recycled cotton. High-quality gel.

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