Innovator: Lars Elgestål
Lars Elgestål

Wheelfix - Holder for tire changing

Holds the tire in place and saves your back
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14 mm
14 mm 12 mm

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    • Easy to get your tire in place
    • Keeps your hands free for dealing with the bolts
    • Saves time and your back

    Wheelfix consists of two practical tire holders made of metal that ease the process when you need to change the tires on your car. The two metal struts mean that you can easily guide your tire in place and then have your hands free to secure it.

    With Wheelfix, changing your tires is faster and less demanding on your back. The metal struts are laid in two empty bolt holes and holds the tire in place while you bring out your bolts and wrench.

    Regardless of whether you change your winter and summer tires in your garage, or if you need to repair or replace a punctured wheel on the road, Wheelfix helps you quickly manoeuvre the tires into place.

    Place the Wheelfix in two of the empty bolt holes. Hang the tire on the two metal struts and screw in the bolts on the other, empty bolt holes. Then you take off the Wheelfix and screw in the last two bolts. Don't forget to tighten the bolts after a few miles of driving. Ask your local garage about what your car needs.

    Wheelfix comes in two sizes: 12 mm and 14 mm.
    Click here to find the right size for your car!

  • Article nr: 11473
    Stock availability: 0
    Diameter: Choose between 12mm and 14mm
    Material: Metal
    PDF: Size Guide
    Quantity per pack: 2 metal holders
  • InnovatorLars Elgestål

    Lars Elgestål knows how difficult it can be to replace a car tire. His 30 years of experience at his own tire workshop inspired him to develop his innovation Wheelfix – a holder that makes tire replacement easier and won’t damage your mood or your back.

    “Wheelfix makes it easy to change tires and fits almost all cars.”

    Read more>>

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