Solar-powered wall lamp

Shines with a warm glow along the facade

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    • Lights up the facade
    • Charges during the day and lights up at night
    • A fully charged battery gives approx. 5 hours of light

    This small solar-powered wall lamp is charged during the day and lights up the patio with a cosy warm white glow after dark. The cube-shaped lamp is automatically lit up when darkness falls, and shines with a warm, comfortable glow along the facade.

    How do I mount the wall lamp?
    The cube lamp has two keyhole mounts on the backside and is easy to mount on the wall with the accompanying screws and plugs. You can attach the lamp directly to the facade, on a pole, on the wall of a balcony, or other suitable places. Just be sure to hang the cube in a spot where the solar cell panel on the topside of the lamp can get enough sunlight during the day.

    Charging the battery
    Before you start using the cube lamp, you should charge the battery fully. Set the switch on the bottom of the lamp to ON during the day and switch it off during the night. Repeat until the lamp has been charged for a total of 36 hours in direct sunlight. After that, the switch can be set to ON as a default. A fully charged battery gives you approx. 5 hours of light.

    Useful tip!
    The lamp does not shine during the day, but you can check if it is set to ON by covering the solar cell panel with your hand. If the light shines when you cover the panel, the cube is set to ON.

    The lamp should be kept indoors during the winter months when the temperature reaches degrees below zero (Celsius).

    Measurements:10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
    Light source: LED
    Luminosity: 20 lumen
    Light direction: Downwards
    Mounting: 2 screws and 2 plugs are included

    Solar cell panel: 9 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
    Battery: 1 pc rechargeable 14500Li-Ion (included)
    Battery life: One fully charged battery gives approx. 5 hours of light
    Waterproof: IP44

  • Article nr: 13533
    Stock availability: 0
    Height: 10 cm
    Length: 10 cm
    Width: 10 cm

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