Small Stainless Steel Barbecue Brush

An effective brush for small barbecues
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    • Cleans effectively
    • Practical size
    • Patented brush technology

    This small barbecue brush is incredibly useful when cleaning portable barbecues, electric barbecues and other barbecues that make a large brush feel too clumsy. The barbecue brush uses a patented technology with four steel springs made of galvanized steel to effectively clean the barbecue.

    The small brush is 20 centimetres long and can easily be taken on a picnic or kept on a boat or in a caravan. The brush can be used when the barbecue is still hot, but the springs clean equally effectively even when the barbecue has cooled off.

    Unlike regular steel brushes, the patented technology ensures that no steal threads come off and risk getting stuck on the barbecues.

    Top tip! Hold the brush at an angle to the barbecue to clean the top and sides more effectively.

    The barbecue brush is dishwasher safe.

    Length: 20 cm
    Width: 4 cm
    Height: 4 cm
  • Article nr: 13247
    Stock availability: 37
    Height: 4 cm
    Length: 20 cm
    Material: Plastic handle, barbecue brush made of galvanized steel
    Other: Dishwasher safe
    Width: 4 cm

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