Silicone coaster

6 coasters with anti-slip coating and lovely motifs
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Compass Rose
Compass Rose Lighthouse of the East Coast Lighthouse of the West Coast Lighthouse of the South Coast

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    • Anti-slip, perfect for the boat
    • Dual sided motifs, Swedish lighthouses or compass roses
    • Heat resistant, made of 100% silicone

    These practical silicone coasters have lovely nautical prints and are perfect as a gift for boat owners or as a nice summer gift for anyone who loves the ocean! Each coaster has a pretty motif on each side; either compass roses or famous Swedish lighthouses from the west coast, east coast or south coast.

    The coasters are anti-slip treated and the silicone ensures glasses don't easily slip off even when slightly on an angle such as on a boat. The coaster can also be placed on top of the glass to keep out insects or dirt when leaving the glass unattended. The coasters are heat resistant and can also be used for hot cups and pots.

    The six different coasters are navy blue and available in three different sets with Swedish lighthouses printed on both sides together with their longitude/latitude: West Coast, South Coast and East Coast. There is also a set of 6 nice compass roses where the compass roses are white/navy blue on one side and red/white on the other side.

    West coast lighthouses: Hållö/Måseskär, Pater Noster/Vinga, Tistlarna/Nidingen, Morups Tånge/Tylön, Kullen/Helsingborg, Malmö Inre/Falsterbo.

    East coast lighthouses: Långe Jan/Långe Erik, Stora Karlsö/Gotska Sandön, Landsort/Svenska Högarna, Söderarm/Örskär, Brämön/Bergudden, Rödkallen/Malören.

    South coast lighthouses: Gotska Sandön/Stora Karlsö, Långe Jan/Långe Erik, Utklippan/Hanö, Sandhammaren/Smygehuk, Falsterbo/Malmö Inre, Helsingborg/Kullen.

    The coasters are heat resistant up to 230 °C and dishwasher safe.
    Diameter: 9 cm
    Coasters per set: 6

  • Article nr: 12955
    Stock availability: 0
    Diameter: 9 cm
    Height: 3 mm
    Material: 100% silicone
    Other: Heat resistant up to 230° C. Dishwasher safe
    Quantity per pack: 6 coasters

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1 Customer reviews
Soo classy!! 8-)

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