Matador - Smart outdoor high quality products
Matador has a large team with expertise in design, materials, technology and construction. The products have carefully selected materials and functions. Unnecessary functions are removed for high performance in the required area of use. All Matador products are designed and developed at company headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. As the seasons change around the workplace Matador can test the products in an outdoor environment.
Matador strives to constantly improve the function and durability of its products. They are not afraid to try new and innovative materials, as long as they are better and more durable.
Sustainability is an important part of Matador's brand culture. Since February 2018, all Matador's products are 100% vegan and free from animal products. Since 2020, Matador's head office has been operated only using renewable wind power and certified green electricity. Several times a year, Matador's employees help local cleaning initiatives collect rubbish from streets and rivers.
Matador climate compensates their deliveries and they only select suppliers with eco-friendly and ethical values. Manufacturing partners must follow Matador's sustainability guidelines and must ensure that no harmful substances to the environment are used in production. This ensures that Matador's products are sustainable throughout the production chain.
Lightweight, durable and waterproof
Super light towel for taking on trips
Make sure your small items stay dry
Easy to always carry with you
32.20 €
Mini bag for wet swimwear or valuables