Ice cream scooper with opening function

Forms the perfect ice cream scoops

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    • Solid steel construction
    • Opening function
    • Perfect for ice-cream and sorbet

    Using the ice cream scooper with opening function, it becomes really easy to scoop up an ice-cold, tasty ball of ice cream or sorbet. The scooper has a smart combination of an openable scooper and a non-stick layer that creates the perfect ice cream balls and then releases them easily when you open the scooper.

    Push the handles together to close the scooper and form your scoop of ice cream. When you let up the handles, the scooper opens again, and the ice cream scoop can easily roll down into a cup or a waffle.

    The ice cream scooper is perfect for ice cream and sorbet but works equally as good for scooping up other things like mashed potatoes, chocolate mousse, and puree.

    The sturdy scoop is made of durable steel and should only be washed by hand.

    Length: 19 cm
    Width: 7,5 cm
    Height: 3 cm
    Diameter scoop: 5,5 cm
    Depth scoop: 3 cm
    Weight: 150 gram

  • Article nr: 13565
    Stock availability: 4
    Diameter: 5,5 cm
    Height: 3 cm
    Length: 19 cm
    Width: 17,5 cm
    Weight: 0,15 kg

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