Hamburger holder Burger Buddy

Sturdy holder for hamburgers
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    • Can hold burgers, bagels & doughnuts
    • Hygienic holder, less spillage
    • Available in 2-packs and 4-packs.

    The Burger Buddy hamburger holder is a sturdy hamburger pocket with elasticated sides that holds your burger, bagel or donut together. The Burger Buddy ensures that the filling stays between the buns, making it easy to place the burger on the table between bites.

    Hamburger holder for children & adults

    Designed to be used by both children and adults, the hamburger holder is as useful when grilling burgers at home as it is when you're on the go or eating at a burger restaurant. It makes it easier to hold the burger and also reduces the risk of spillage as the toppings cannot fall out as easily.

    Elasticated sides

    Burger Buddy's elasticated sides allow it to fit both small and large burgers. Several burgers can easily be placed between the buns. The elasticated sides hold the burger together and ensure that the burger stands firmly when you want to place it on the table.

    Hygienic at the dinner table

    With Burger Buddy, you don't have to touch the burger either, so your hands stay free of mess and odour. The need for napkins is reduced and you also avoid transferring bacteria from your hands to the burger.

    When you place the burger in your Burger Buddy, hold the holder and eat what's sticking out. To eat the last third, push the burger up from below and then press the burger holder under the burger.

    Can hold more than just juicy hamburgers

    The Burger Buddy also works as a holder for savoury bagels, English muffins and sugary doughnuts. The burger holder is easy to clean and dishwasher safe.

    Sold as single-coloured 2-pack & multi-coloured 4-pack

    The Burger Buddy hamburger holder is available in several colours. Choose between a single colour 2-pack, or a 4-pack with a colour mix (blue, pink, orange & grey).


    Width: 12 cm
    Depth: approx. 6-9 cm
    Height: 6 cmWeight (1 piece): 50 g
    Material: BPA free, LFGB certified and food grade silicone
    Dishwasher safe.

  • Article nr: 13996
    Stock availability: 0
    Depth: 7 cm
    Height: 6 cm
    Length: 13 cm
    Material: BPA free food-grade silicone
    Colour: Blue , Grey , Orange , Pink
    Weight: 0.12 kg

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