Innovation: Grappling Anchor
Sailing enthusiast Olle Mattsson is the innovator behind the smart innovation that is the Grappling anchor. It facilitates the mooring process when entering natural harbours and removes the need for jumping ashore with the rope.
The story of the grappling anchor begins one day when Olle Mattson and his wife Lena is out sailing. The day goes by as it should until the moment comes for Lena to jump ashore and moor the boat. She slips on the wet rocks, bites herself in the cheek and starts bleeding. Even though the injury is minor, Olle starts to think about a solution to prevent this from happening again.
After Lenas accident and with the knowledge that many friends of the couple have ceased mooring in natural harbours, Olle feels that something needs to be done.
Olle grew up in the city of Malmö but now resides in Vänersborg, a couple of miles outside of Lysekil, with his wife Lena.
Olles interest for the boat life started thanks to his colleagues. He would often join them on their boats and with time, he started to learn from them. Nowadays he is an experienced seafarer, and with his innovation the grappling anchor he has helped many people towards having an easier time mooring in natural harbours.
Olle gets help and starts welding together some prototypes
Olle often writes down ideas in his notebook and shares one entry from 2013. Even back then, he started to sketch ideas for a grappling anchor. After a short while, Olle and his friend Bernt Olsson starts welding different prototypes together.
Many prototypes are tested and welded together in the workshop. In the year of 2014 the prototypes, and their ability to be thrown, are field tested. It would, however, take another 5 years until they felt happy and done with the final design.
The local newspaper leads Olle to his manufacturer
While reading the local newspaper, Olle notices an article about a new product made for boats. The article also shares the details on how the product is made, which leads Olle to get in contact with the manufacturers and ask them if they are interested in producing his innovation the grappling anchor. Because of that article in the local newspaper, the grappling anchor is now manufactured in Trollhättan.
”When it isn’t in use during off-seasons, the rope won’t get stained by rust”
Olle explains the importance of making sure that the grappling anchor would not leave any rust stains. When it was time to choose which material to use, Olle knew the grappling anchor needed weight and therefore decided to go with acid-proof stainless steel.
The grappling anchor sticks 9 times out of 10
–I prefer to have my fika by a natural harbour, and when I set course for land and throw the grappling anchor, 9 times out of 10 it gets stuck in a small crevice.
Olle explains that if it fails on the first try, just pull in the 10-meter-long rope, and then repeat the throw.
The first throw from the boat
Olle continues gladly with telling the story of when he and his wife tried the grappling anchor for the first time.
Of course, a lot of prototypes had been made at home, but now it was time to make the first real throw from the boat.
Olle clarifies that the grappling anchor has been a side project, one that he has been doing for the fun of it.
According to Olle, everyone that has a recreational boat and wants to moor in a natural harbour can benefit from the grappling anchor.
The grappling anchor also goes by the name "Katten" (Swedish for "The cat")
Olle is eager to share the reason why the grappling anchor is called the cat.
Olles innovations helps him with his everyday life
Olle also has another innovation that he sells through smartasaker.com. It is a rain cover for shoes and trousers intended to be used while biking.
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