Innovator: Peter Jungvid

Automatic night-lighting system

Prevents falls at night
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    • Effective fall prevention at night
    • Wireless system, easy to set up
    • Choose a system with 2 or 3 lights

    This smart and automatic night lighting system helps prevent falls in your home at night by turning on bright lighting when you get out of bed. This night lighting system detects when you get out of bed and automatically turns on the lights all the way from the bedroom to the bathroom, making the carpet edges, and loose cables visible.

    The night lighting system from the Swedish company Bellman & Symfon consists of a bed sensor, several smart light bulbs and two switches. The entire system is very easy and low maintenance to install. Once you put the batteries in the bed sensor, replace the bulbs on your way from the bedroom to the bathroom and put the bed sensor under your pillow, the system is ready to go!

    When you wake up at night and get out of bed, the bed sensor will detect that you are no longer on the pillow. After a few seconds the smart light bulbs will turn on as you head to the bathroom. The lights adjust to their environment so that you don't get blinded by a strong light and can easily make your way to the bathroom. When you have come back from the bathroom and are in your bed you can turn all the lights off via the main switch, which should be installed in the bedroom.

    The system also comes with a switch for the bathroom which can be mounted over the lamp button. Most people turn off the light without thinking about it when they leave the bathroom and therefore it is good to mount the external bathroom switch over the light button so that the light in the bathroom will continue to turn on automatically the next time you wake up at night.

    The night lighting system uses fast and stable Bluetooth 5.0 technology with a range of up to 50 meters. However, thick walls can affect the distance, although in most houses and apartments the range will not be an issue.

    The light bulbs, bed sensor and switches all have low energy consumption and several years of operation. The entire system is automated and completely maintenance-free! The bed sensor is completely wireless and adjusts itself to the surrounding environment. The smart LED lights glow with a warm white light.

    The lighting system comes in two different versions: one with two lights and the other with three. Choose the package that is most suitable for the length of route from your bedroom to the bathroom. Both packages come with lights for the bedroom and bathroom, but the larger package also includes a third light that you can put on your way to the bathroom, for example in the hall or in the corridor.

    The automatic night-light system includes:
    Bed sensor + batteries
    Smart light bulbs (E27)
    Switch: for bedroom and bathroom
    Extra locks and frames: 3
    Adapters: E14 to E27
    Adapter: B22 to E27

    Bellman & Symfon is a Swedish company that since 1988 have been developing products for fall prevention, sound enhancement and conversation enhancement.
  • Article nr: 13056
    Stock availability: 0

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