Scratch Map

Mark your travels on your own personalized map
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  • Product info
  • Specifications
    • Scratch off to make marks on your own unique world map
    • Encourages travel and adventure
    • Perfect for frequent travellers

    This stylish world map is the perfect canvas for you to mark the various places in the world where you have already been or want to visit. A great way to personalize your own world map. The map is covered in a golden hue that, just like a lottery ticket, you can gently scratch off to mark certain countries or places.

    A great way to mark all the places you've been and a fun way to show family and friends all the things you have seen! Scratch off countries as you visit them and see how the map grows to reflect it, becoming a highly personalized summary of your adventurous travels. The map is both colourful and highly detailed to make it a beautiful decorative piece on your wall.

    A brilliant map for those who love to travel and a great gift for the globetrotter in your life!

  • Article nr: 12240
    Stock availability: 0
    Height: 59.4 cm
    Width: 82.5 cm

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