Christmas tree storage bag

Practical storage bag for a plastic Christmas tree
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    • Protects your plastic tree
    • Easy to tidy away
    • Zip and secure handles

    Store your plastic tree in a large Christmas tree bag when Christmas is over. The large storage bag protects your tree from dust and dirt so you can store the Christmas tree in the attic or in storage until it is time to use it again.

    It's traditional to take down your Christmas tree on Twelfth Night. You don't get rid of a plastic Christmas tree, but you have to take it apart and store it until next Christmas.

    Use the Christmas tree bag to store the different parts of your plastic Christmas tree in the same place. The Christmas tree bag opens and closes with a long zip that comes down over the edges on both sides. This creates a large opening so you can easily put the Christmas tree away.

    The secure handles make this storage bag easy to carry and the characteristic green colour makes it easy to find the Christmas tree wherever you store it next Christmas.

    Width: 120 cm
    Height: 50 cm
    Depth: 38 cm

    PLEASE NOTE! Bear in mind that if you have a tall and large plastic tree with many large parts, you may need several Christmas tree bags so you have room for all the parts.

  • Article nr: 13318
    Stock availability: 11
    Depth: 38 cm
    Height: 50 cm
    Width: 120 cm
    Weight: 0,4 kg

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