Bee Hotel

Settlement for the valuable bees in the garden
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  • Product info
  • Specifications
    • Protected settlement for wild bees
    • Room for many guests
    • Made of 100% FSC-controlled wood

    With a bee hotel, you can easily help out our valuable solitary bees with a place to live. The hotel has room for many guests and is easy to mount in your garden or on your house.

    Solitary bees belong to one of the most important pollinators of flowers, fruit trees and bushes that carry berries in our gardens. They deserve an amazing place to live, and in the bee hotel they can seek cover and build a nest when laying eggs.

    The bee hotel is made up of many hollow pipes of different sizes very close to one another. In the pipes, the bees are offered a safe environment where they can lay their eggs. It's easy to see if a room is occupied since the bees clog the hole once the eggs are laid.

    The bee hotel should preferably be mounted about fifty metres away from blooming plants. Make sure the hotel is relatively protected against rain and wind and that it is mounted in such a way that they have access to the sun and warmth during the day.

    The Bee Hotel is made out of pinewood.

    Height: 21 cm
    Width: 15 cm
    Depth: 14 cm
  • Article nr: 13488
    Stock availability: 12
    Depth: 14 cm
    Height: 21 cm
    Width: 15 cm
    Weight: 0,8 kg

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