Apple peeler

Helps you with the apple harvest
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    • Peel, seed and slice in seconds
    • Mounted with a suction cup
    • Can also used for pears, potatoes, and more

    With Aunt Hulda's apple peeler taking care of your apple harvest has never been easier or faster. It peels, slices and seeds the apple all at once in a matter of seconds. Perfect for making apple pie, fruit salad, apple-sauce or dried apple rings.

    This apple peeler adjusts to the apples' size and shape, and it lets you choose the thickness that should be peeled or sliced. You can also set it to only peel the apple. The peeler is affixed toa counter-topwith a suction cup, which means it's quick to put in placeand it stands stable when it is used. This apple peeler is made of high quality stainless steel, to keep it functional for a long time.

    Can also be used for peeling other foods, potatoes or pears, for example.

  • Article nr: 11132
    Stock availability: 0
    Height: 14cm
    Length: 22cm
    Material: Metal
    PDF: Manual
    Weight: 0.5 kg kg

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